Monday, May 10, 2010

Zambia Member of Parliament blogs project Underway

Creating blogs for 150 Members of Parliament then invite them to use them to be accountable for their actions in Parliament and development projects in their respective constituencies is what I'm doing for next few weeks.

Will giving blogs to Members of Parliament work to enhance civic engagement and participation in Zambia? To be honest, I don't know, but that doesn't mean I should not play my part either. The satisfaction is in playing my part at a time when trust and loss of interest in the very processes that makes our society's laws is very low. If we don't participate in the making of laws for ourselves and our future generations then who will.

 I have since created
 1. Nchanga Watch for Hon. Wyllbur Simuusa

2. Petauke Watch for Hon. Dora Siliya

3. Mazabuka Watch for Hon Garry Nkombo

Yep! I have 147 more to go. I have emailed the respectiveb Memebers of Parliament to either accept or reject my idea. However  Im sceduled to meet with Hon. Simuusa tomorrow. I shall say to him " To blog or not blog ,that Hon. MP is the real question."

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

About Web Open Zambia

A Blog for Every member of Parliamentis what will do first because young Zambians future interest in participating in the legislative process remains uncertain and unpredictable, its important to keep up to date with online accounatibility and transparency initiatives that could lead to re-building public trustand providing online accessibility to members of Parliament.The tools for Transparency and accessibility as we have known them have changed the internet now give citizen, electorate the power to hold elected official accountable. This is what web open Zambia is about...join the party

Web Open Zambia projects strives to be the catalyst in the use of cutting edge internet technology for transparency, accountability and engagement to re-build trust between Zambian members of Parliament and the constituents